Monday, May 11, 2009

back to the garden

We got a good amount of root veggies in the ground a few days ago, but can't put much more in yet due to a frost advisory tonight and last night. There's plenty to do, though. We still have to weed the other half of the garden space and the roof had to get finished up on our porch today. Before we know it we'll be canning, drying and pickling!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday has finally come!

This weekend we rolled out the espresso cart for the Saturday market and we got a right good spanking! Everything went well considering the cart had some weird curse rendering the user cranky for a time. Sunday was long and boring, but it was the first Sunday market of the year. I'm a little worn out and don't know how easy it will be to keep all my normal in store shifts. And, somewhere during this busy summer, I have to find some time to play music with the grind/death drummer that I recently met. Fortunately there's always time for metal. Oh, the garden has to start this week, too. Holla!